Our contacts

Postal Address

APT 856
8125-911 Vilamoura
Algarve - Portugal

Telephone (+351) 289 303 280 *
Fax (+351) 289 303 288 *
* national landline call



General Objectives:

  • To develop motor skills (balance, flexibility, strength, coordination, breathing and deep relaxation)
  • To develop socio-affective skills (self-knowledge and self-esteem, relationships, team spirit)
  • To develop cognitive skills (concentration, reflection) 



  • Tasks centred on the student and on psycho-motor movement
  • Appropriate strategies for different age groups, based on the objectives and work of the group


Students for which it is intended (by level of education)

  • Kindergarten to Secondary School
  • Reception to Year 13 

Materials needed:

Tracksuit (in winter, thick socks and a blanket).