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APT 856
8125-911 Vilamoura
Algarve - Portugal

Telephone (+351) 289 303 280 *
Fax (+351) 289 303 288 *
* national landline call

Segundo and Terceiro Ciclos

Segundo and Terceiro Ciclos

Segundo and Terceiro Ciclos reflect the result of the foundation established in previous school years. Aiming to organise and arrange their learning experience with a greater degree of complexity and conceptuality, students have the opportunity to manipulate data and concepts in various fields of knowledge. Therefore, the learning models are integrated within an educational philosophy that seeks to enhance the "thinking self."

The concept of science and the development of the scientific spirit is deepened. The student's individual organisational skills, their ability to analyse, synthesise, relate, complete, calculate, demonstrate and interpret data become part of the student's routine. The relationship with literature, the most famous writers of Western civilisation, writing workshops, developing a love for drama and research (Research Methods and Techniques lessons) are all reinforced and help students establish a foundation in humanistic and scientific awareness.

English is reinforced through a specific programme aimed at elevating students to a level of proficiency and international certification. From 5º ano, students are introduced to another foreign language, French. 

Students are involved in educational programmes aimed at promoting the individual development of knowledge. Here students hold a leading role (with teacher guidance) in developing their own knowledge. Students are involved in educational initiatives such as the reading programme, the annual programme, academic week, internships at international schools, and in 9ºano - professional internships. The goal of the school’s educational approach is to educate students to envisage studies and research as an asset to their personal and professional development. 

Segundo and Terceiro Ciclos promote the integration of all students into a common teaching method followed at CIV and in the international community.