Education based on the construction of knowledge is one of the clearest cornerstones of the Vilamoura International School’s educational philosophy and methodology. This means that its projects are designed according to the school as a learning space for students, teachers, parents and others.
In line with the ideas of Vygotsky, Goodlad, Gardner, Bourdieu and Bernstein, CIV's educational programme is, above all, a learning process conducted by the students themselves, taking into consideration their cognitive developmental stages (Piaget) and the areas of their development/potential (Vygotsky). It is essential to provide the necessary environment for students’ and teachers’ creative ability.
CIV’s education philosophy promotes cognitive-developmental philosophies associated with the foundations of international education. Students and teachers are encouraged to develop projects that are more open to global issues, viz. humanitarian projects, multiligualism and cultural awareness. The learning processes will always have a special focus on linguistic, intra and interpersonal skills (Gardner).
Early language learning should also be considered as an opportunity to understand the world of others (it is known today that the early learning of languages is also transferable to other learning).
CIV’s philosophy is related to the contribution of renowned education philosophers and sociologists.
- a more balanced relationship between emotions and learning;
- the promotion of learning from sources other than textbooks;
- learning through self-discovery;
- the creation of exchange programmes with schools from different countries and group work, linked to research projects.
The assessment of the student’s skills considers the importance of cognitive-developmental educational philosophies that have highlighted the internal processes of the student in his or her own learning process.