Our contacts

Postal Address

APT 856
8125-911 Vilamoura
Algarve - Portugal

Telephone (+351) 289 303 280 *
Fax (+351) 289 303 288 *
* national landline call



General Objectives:

  • To apply balance reflex mechanisms
  • To become aware of segments of the body and of the mobility of the waist
  • To develop rhythmic structure and coordination
  • To develop body language communication skills
  • To develop creative ability and concentration 


  • Diversified according to the specific activity to be developed and the characteristics of the students;
  • Assignments centred on the student.


Students for which it is intended (by level of education)

  • Kindergarten (4 and 5 year-olds)
  • 1º, 2º, 3º Ciclos and Ensino Secundário
  • Reception to Year 13


Materials needed:

Maillot, tights and ballet shoes (material to be purchased - contact the teacher).