Our contacts

Postal Address

APT 856
8125-911 Vilamoura
Algarve - Portugal

Telephone (+351) 289 303 280 *
Fax (+351) 289 303 288 *
* national landline call



Two curricula, one school! 

Both CIV’s curricula, Portuguese Studies and English Studies, have a common educational programme. The educational programme is the guiding document that gives meaning to all school programmes and which articulates the different forms of participation: of students, teachers, teaching assistants, parents and guardians.

The construction and development of the educational programme of each curriculum follows the following guidelines:

  • Detailed understanding of the students enrolled at each level of education, their academic record, their characteristics, their cognitive development, their linguistic and cultural background and their personal knowledge and values;
  • Promotion of the educational model and procedures, respecting with the values of international education;
  • Promotion of curricular research projects that include the input of expertise from various academic fields;
  • Respect for human and cultural diversity;
  • Appreciation of active citizenship, justice, solidarity, and social, cultural and environmental volunteering;
  • Application of the approved internal policy.